Caroline uses her sketchbooks to record inspirations from the world around her but also to test shapes and patterns that evolve from her observations and musings.

Some of her sketches are inspired by a place, like those from Venice, or Sicily but these do not attempt to recreate a scene.  Rather they draw on the patterns and colours of the place to recreate a mood.  Caroline is interested in the coming together of shape, colour, texture and surface, and how the interactions between these primal elements can achieve an harmonious sense of order, when combined with geometries and pattern work.

Other sketches explore the way that gradations of colour and chromatic layering might produce trompe l’oeil and three dimensional images on the curved surface of a pot, creating a meditative state that encourages the viewer to go beyond pattern.

Over the years, Caroline’s sketchbooks have become a detailed library, documenting the inspiration for each of her ceramic pieces with the geometry of the patterns and the combinations of the different glazes and underglazes used to create individual pots.